Mini PC
Mobile Smart TV
Computer accessories
JWIPC focuses on the essence of new retail, facing new challenges and creating a more efficient retail industry.

The product pictures, videos and screen content on the above pages are only for illustration and the effects of physical product (including but not limited to appearance, color, size) and screen display content (including but not limited to background, UI, matched pictures, videos) may be slightly different, so please refer to the physical product received, which should prevail.
Some product accessories need to be purchased separately and the page effect is for reference only.
The data on the above page are theoretical values, all of which come from the internal laboratory of JWIPC and are obtained in a specific test environment (so please refer to each specific instruction). In actual use, due to differences in individual products, software versions, usage conditions and environmental factors, they may slightly different, the situation of actual use should prevail.
Due to real-time changes in product batches and production and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specification parameters, and product characteristics as far as possible, JWIPC may adjust and revise the text expressions, picture effects, etc. on the above pages in real time, in order to match the actual product performance, specifications, indicators, parts or components and the like information.
If it is really necessary to make the above revision and adjustment, no special notice will be given.

We provide you with tailor-made solutions to meet your needs from product definition to hardware and software development, and will arrange senior product engineers to serve you.